Journey to a more healthy, inclusive, just and peaceful world
- Hatheru Road Court No. 5 | Hatheru Road (Lavington) | Nairobi, Kenya
- +254 748029405 | +254 208112889
As a climax of the consultations, a meeting with leaders from diverse religions and regions across the globe took place in June 2011 in Nairobi, Kenya, resulting in the ground breaking Interfaith Declaration to improve family health and wellbeing otherwise known as Nairobi Declaration.
In this declaration, faith leaders committed to leveraging their networks to support families to have increased access to information and quality services on family planning and reproductive health consistent with their faith.
They mandated the establishment of a global interfaith network (Faith to Action Network) to promote dialogue, build the technical and financial capacity of faith organisations and religious institutions and facilitate sustained joint advocacy and programming in support of family health and wellbeing.