Journey to a more healthy, inclusive, just and peaceful world

Steering Council

Rev. Canon Grace Kaiso

Rev. Canon Grace Kaiso is the chairperson of our Steering Council. He is a theologian and an ordained minister in the Anglican Church. He was trained in Uganda, New Zealand and Canada.


Rev. Canon Grace Kaiso is a theologian and an ordained minister in the Anglican Church. He was trained in Uganda, New Zealand and Canada. He is married to Christine with five children. Since his ordination in 1977 he has served in the Church in different capacities and at different levels.
Rev. Kaiso served for 9 years as the Executive Secretary of the Uganda Joint Christian Council (UJCC), an ecumenical body that brings together the Anglican Church, the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church.
Rev. Kaiso has worked with World Vision International as Project Manager and Facilitator of urban projects for 10 years where he was actively involved in issues of urban ministry with special focus on empowerment of the poor. He is known within the Faith circles as an ardent advocate for human rights, good governance and is an active player in peace building initiatives in the Great Lakes region.
Rev. Canon Kaiso’s approach to social justice issues is informed by his faith in Christ and theological training, his passion for building harmonious and dignified communities, and also by his practical experience of engagement with diverse governance structures, the urban poor and minority groups. He is an advocate of social emancipation, transforming and compassionate leadership; and for innovative Christian ministry models for effective Christian witness.

Rev. Kaiso has served on various Boards including; Micah Challenge International, Media Council of Uganda, National Council for Children Uganda, Anglican Alliance, ECLOF- Uganda, FECCLAHA, Africa Council for Religious Leaders and ICCO Regional Board.

He currently serves as Senior Adviser with the Anglican Alliance.

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