Journey to a more healthy, inclusive, just and peaceful world

Convening for learning and sharing


Convening for learning and sharing

When not exposed to other contexts and beliefs, faith actors lack an understanding of alternative contexts and viewpoints. With their own culture as a unique reference point, they often cannot discern whether a standpoint is grounded in culture or religion. Faith to Action Network learning approaches take participants out of their context and expose them to other cultures, opinions and approaches. This helps promote empathy for the feelings and needs of people with differing opinions and prompts internal reflection on beliefs and evidence.

Faith to Action Network convenes physical and virtual spaces and activities where religious actors can come together to learn without fear of judgement, censorship or sanction. Safe space is needed for people to get to know one another and engage privately, away from the full glare of publicity.

The Network’s approach has been independently verified as leading to common engagement and action on Network priorities. Faith to Action Network dialogues are facilitated by eminent theologians from respected faith authorities. Faith leaders are exposed to trends and evidence and learn about religious interpretations and practices within their faith thus reducing misconceptions. This gradually builds consensus and ownership of Network priorities, ultimately sparking greater commitment and constructive action.

About us

We mobilize faith actors for interfaith dialogue and collaboration to advance family health and well-being; women’s rights and gender justice; and peaceful, just and inclusive communities, consistent with one’s faith.


Social Media

Faith to Action Network
Faith to Action Network2 months ago
As part of global commemoration of the World Inter harmony week, through the JISRA programme, our member Muhammadiyah brings together young people from different faith formations to act for the environment. Another example that religion is a great builder of bridges.

For Ahsan Hamidi an activist with Eco Bhinneka, the chance for people with various religious backgrounds to meet, discuss, and work together while caring for the environment allows clarity and progress where there are differences that have arisen on the basis of prejudice”. What is your story of inter faith harmony this week?

Share with us and we shall share it with the world.
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