Capacity strengthening
The Faith to Action Network strengthens the capacity of local, national, regional and international faith organizations for better advocacy, program implementation and accountability. We enhance our understanding of our thematic priorities and strengthen our capacity to integrate them sustainably into faith organizations and faith practices. This includes faith-based, rights-based, evidence-based and technical know-how to develop organizations and embed priorities in institutions, for example enhancing service delivery, dissemination of information, protection of human dignity and rights, and interfaith dialogue.
We strengthen technical know-how such as SRHR service delivery, sexuality education, preventing gender-based violence, interfaith dialogue and mediation. We enhance advocacy capacity, for example, to analyse policies and budgets; plan and conduct strategic advocacy; develop advocacy materials; support policy dialogues; engage with media; and use social accountability tools and strategies.

We pair managerial capacity-strengthening with on-granting, to ensure accountable performance and effective, transparent financial management and reporting. We conduct formal organizational capacity assessments using structured Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) and Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) tools; conduct gender audits; support strategic, managerial, programmatic, communications and advocacy planning; and provide customized training, technical assistance, mentoring and experiential learning on our thematic priorities.
We adapt our capacity-strengthening methodologies to faith organizations’ institutional cultures and existing capacity. Using a South-South learning strategy, we facilitate national/regional/global dialogue exchanges among faith organizations, governments, CSOs, researchers and youth to share their experiences, identify lessons and gain skills. We disseminate their experiences internationally and organize faith participation in conferences.