Advocacy and representation
Faith organizations exert influence as strong advocates vis-à-vis authorities, impacting legal, health and education systems. Winning the support of faith leaders and faith organizations can have a snowball effect on policies in many sectors.
Faith to Action Network creates opportunities to engage in policy discussions at the international, regional, national and sub-national levels. We broker partnerships and alliances between unlikely parties – intra- and interfaith, donors, governments, secular civil society organizations, and the private sector. We help broker faith resolutions and recommendations that provide powerful mandates and entry points to transform decision-makers’ attitudes and weigh in on policy-making processes.

Faith to Action Network develops timely and context-specific advocacy and communication materials to help advocates and decision-makers make informed decisions. These documents inform about topical issues through an inter-religious lens, referencing religious texts and traditions and explaining scientific evidence, and re-framing misunderstood terminology in faith-acceptable language. Complementing existing materials, these briefs are developed in collaboration with recognized theologians and faith leaders.

Faith to Action Network informs and educates faith-inspired decision makers, providing proactive and on-demand technical assistance when drafting new policies and programs, and organizing national and international conferences. This activity can be formal by participating in or leading formal consultations, or when preparing for statutory meetings and technical working groups. It can be informal when parliamentarians ask for advice or technical input on policy documents. A particular focus is on supporting policy-makers to develop and roll out consultative policy-making processes that engage faith actors to contribute meaningfully.
Faith to Action Network expands civic space for faith actors by creating its own spaces, facilitating participation in invited spaces and opening doors to closed spaces. Faith to Action Network facilitates the participation of faith leaders and faith organizations in policy consultations. It encourages decision-makers at international, regional and national levels to include faith organizations in their national delegations to international policy-making events and seeks an observer status in statutory planning meetings. Faith to Action Network is highly skilled and effective in securing space for faith organizations on their national delegations, and observer status during United Nations, African Union and East African Community summits and other events. Faith to Action Network also organizes constructive dialogues between faith leaders and organizations, media, government and development stakeholders to create consensus on different issues.