Journey to a more healthy, inclusive, just and peaceful world

Accountable governance


Accountable governance

Faith to Action Network is governed by an international, multifaith Steering Council. The Steering Council is a policy-making organ which lends strategic direction to the Network. The Council is comprised of representatives of its founding members and others nominated to ensure diversity in representation as per the criteria of membership. The Council members serve a three-year renewable term. Each Council term elects its Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, often from different religions. The head of the Secretariat serves as the secretary to the Council.

The Steering Council has various working groups and committees that support and guide the Secretariat in its operations. These include Research; Advocacy; Communication; Training; Membership; Resource mobilization; Finance, governance, human resources; and Audit.

The day-to-day running of the Network is Charged to the Secretariat. The Secretariat headquarters is based in Nairobi, Kenya. The Secretariat is headed by a Chief Executive Officer supported by a management and administrative team, located in Nairobi and other countries where staff can achieve the best results. The Network Secretariat operates a European liaison office which is supervised by the CEO and assisted by a European Board.

The Steering Council and Secretariat are supported by an international Advisory Council. The Advisory Council is made up of a team of experts, personalities, networks, donors, and representatives of Faith to Action associates and supporters. The Advisory Council provides expertise and guidance on interfaith relations, approaches to contemporary issues by different religions, and resource mobilization.

The work of Faith to Action Networks is managed to standards of international accountability, as assessed by various donors including the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs; European Union; Brot für die Welt / Bread for the World; UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office; ACT Church of Sweden; among others.

About us

We mobilize faith actors for interfaith dialogue and collaboration to advance family health and well-being; women’s rights and gender justice; and peaceful, just and inclusive communities, consistent with one’s faith.


Social Media

Faith to Action Network
Faith to Action Network3 months ago
As part of global commemoration of the World Inter harmony week, through the JISRA programme, our member Muhammadiyah brings together young people from different faith formations to act for the environment. Another example that religion is a great builder of bridges.

For Ahsan Hamidi an activist with Eco Bhinneka, the chance for people with various religious backgrounds to meet, discuss, and work together while caring for the environment allows clarity and progress where there are differences that have arisen on the basis of prejudice”. What is your story of inter faith harmony this week?

Share with us and we shall share it with the world.
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