Faith to Action Network organised a 2-year consultation process with faith organisations from different backgrounds and context. The process was conducted in the following regions: Central, Eastern, Northern, Southern and Western Africa
The #FaithActors4Justice consultation process invited faith actors to a safe space to learn and
exchange ideas on how we can enable women and girls lead dignified lives according to Genesis 1: 27. The consultation aims at advancing women’s rights and upholding dignity for all as taught to us in Galatians 3; 26-28. Specifically, the consultation helps participants reflect and take concrete action in challenging gender discriminatory norms and practices within faith organizations.
These consultations invited participants to reflect on the state of women’s rights and the role and responsibility of their faith organisation in supporting the advancement of women’s rights. By participating in the consultations, participants increased their knowledge on the following;
- Awareness of women’s rights in Africa and the need for faith communities to invest in them.
- How to draw from faith scriptures and teachings to promote African Women’s rights.
- How to undertake effective actions and steps to promote African women’s rights within faith communities and the larger society.
- How to support their organisations to commit and do more in promoting African women’s rights.
- How to mobilise themselves and their organisations to work collaboratively to present a unified faith voice to the agenda of upholding and promoting African women’s rights.
In November 2022, we are organizing a physical pan-African conference bringing together selected delegates from each regional group. During this conference, participants discuss open questions, engage in challenging debates, and create organisational action plans.