Who is Ethiopian Interfaith Forum for Development Dialogue and action (EIFDDA)?
The Ethiopian Interfaith Forum for Development Dialogue and action (EIFDDA) is an alliance of Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) consisting of the development wings of the main religious institutions operating in the country. EIFDDA brings together FBOs with rich and diverse development experience in different parts of the country to realize its vision of seeing material and spiritual prosperity.
As a national network of FBOs, EIFDDA and its member FBOs have implemented various projects since its establishment in 2006. These projects are on: Peacebuilding, HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, sexual and reproductive health, nutrition, good governance, girl’s education as well as promoting social accountability.
EIFDDA’s Mission is to promote value-based developmental dialogue and action, build the capacity of member FBOs, and create a conducive environment to keep them working together and its Vision is bringing the spiritual and material prosperity of the Ethiopian people.
EIFDDA’s values include partnership, Integrity, Diversity, Mutual Respect, and dignity, Love and inclusiveness, Peace and non-violence, Trustworthiness.
Partnership with Faith to Action Network?
Faith to Action Network and EIFDDA have been working together in partnership for more than a decade. Currently, we are working on the Joint Initiative for Strategic Religious Action (JISRA) program. JISRA aims to have peaceful and just societies where all enjoy Freedom of Religion and Belief. Through joint interventions, we are working towards a long-term impact of having resilient and inclusive communities in which religious actors are sustainable advocates of Freedom of Religion and Belief and interfaith peace. Additionally, through Interfaith approach, EIFDDA and Faith to Action Network are working on humanitarian responses on ending violence against women and the girl child
- Success stories /Impact Stories
Since May 2021, the JISRA program has been implemented in Ethiopia in different conflict program geographic areas. At the initial stage of the project, EIFDDA has accomplished various activities including commencing JISRA launching and consensus building workshops across JISRA project catchment areas; undertaking capacity building training for newly hired and existing JISRA staff; disseminating messages through TV/Radio Channels and undertaking participatory conflict analysis and JISRA conflict sensitivity assessment workshops among others.
- Goal for 2022
In Year 2022, Faith to Action Network and EIFDDA plan to engage on various initiatives including JISRA project, Welcoming the Stranger, on Sexual and Reproductive Health and other issues that the faith community grabbling with.
Contact EIFDDA on:
- Website: eifdda.org
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/EifddaForyou
- Instagram: @EifddaForyou
- Facebook: EIDDA- Ethiopian interfaith forum for development, dialogue and action
- Telegram: https://t.me/eifdda
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