Family Planning is a central pillar of Kenya’s Reproductive Health programme and the wider national health priority as outlined in the Constitution of Kenya 2010, Health Act 2017, Kenya Health Sector Strategic & Investment Plan (KHSSP) 2013-17, Kenya Vision 2030 and Kenya Health Policy 2014- 2030. The government is committed to realizing Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and ensuring Universal Access to Family Planning as a key component of Sexual and Reproductive Health.
Faith to Action Network has been contributing to improving access to family planning (FP) services in Kenya under the project Delivering Sustainable and Equitable Family Planning Increases (DESIP). The goal of DESIP is to ensure that women and girls can safely plan for their pregnancies in line with sexual and reproductive health rights particularly the young rural, marginalized, and persons with disability. The programme impact will contribute to reduced maternal mortality, newborn and child mortality, and increased mCPR in Kenya. The progranmme implementation approach is systems strengthening at policy and service delivery levels to ensure sustainability, working with public, private, and faith-based health facilities.
Check out these five bulletins elaborating what the project has achieved so far:
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