Cordaid’s programme JeuneS3 (‘santé, sexualité et securité’ in french) works towards preventing unwanted teenage pregnancies in four francophone countries in Africa: DR Congo, Central-African Republic, Cameroon and Benin. It comprises four complementary strategies: sexuality education with a focus on adolescents aged 10-14 years, provision of youth-friendly health services, strengthening the youth voice and building an enabling environment (media, parents, religious leaders, authorities). One of the program’s major results is the introduction and widespread application of new context-specific and appropriate education materials entitled “Like Sarah, Miriam and Joe” for young adolescents aged 10-14 years, health workers, teachers, parents, religious leaders.
For more information, Cordaid and Faith to Action Network have developed a case story of this work. Read the full story here: Case: Cordaid prevents unwanted pregnancies in DRC, Central African Republic, Cameroon and Benin