Good planning can prevent problems. Some problems need immediate decisions and practical solutions, while others are less urgent and others may demand collective efforts and resources beyond what is available.
As a person who has been on forefront of coordination, I am extremely over whelmed and excited to see that through a multilateral advocacy approaches, Mityana District out of 116 Civic Districts in our Country has been able to attain a District Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan (MDCIP). This has led the District move extra miles, indeed it is now the “Number one” District to have its own. Other Districts are still using the National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan. I am strongly convicted that the role of Faith Based Organizations has been so paramount in this noble task.
I want to point it out clearly that Mityana Diocese (Anglican) with financial and full technical support from Faith to Action network a global inter-faith network with a mandate to improve Family Health and well-being have been on fore front. Mityana District Local Government in particular, the District Health Office thank you so much for identifying us as Religious Leaders/FBO as potential partners. In this District Costed Implementation Plan development. Dr. Fred Lwassampijja (DHO) thank you.
The completion of this District Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan 2016/2021has put me in better position to realise that indeed Faith Based Organizations are crucial building blocks to the achievement of Sexual and Reproductive Health and rights both at Local and International level.
Acknowledgement goes to different stakeholders-Religious, Political, Technical, Cultural, NGOs and Civil Society Organization that have been involved in getting this work done.
Bishop Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu our Family Planning Champion, I accord you special thanks for being a good and visionary leader. Neil, Jackie Katana, Angella Mutegi, Kenneth Mugumya you have been strong arms in this advocacy effort!
Special thanks also goes to:
Mityana District Technical Committees, District Council under the leadership of Hon. Joseph Luzige (Chairperson LCV), Hon Apollo Kazungu (District speaker) Mr. Nkata James(Chief Administrative Officer). Hon. Nambatya Masitula (Secretary for Health and Education) thank you for moving the motion to approve the Mityana District Familt Planning Costed Implentation Plan 2016/2021 that was unanimously seconded by all Ditrict Council members. In the meeting held yesterday 2nd September 2016. This is our memorable day as FBOs seeing our efforts put in this advocacy approach turning into reality. Hon. Harriet Mulumba (secretary for Health) Mr. Emmanuel Zirabamuzaale and others, we cannot forget your endless efforts accorded. I know the list is big but allow me to thank all of those who have directly or indirectly been working with us to have the memorial advocacy strategy put in place.
The Mityana District Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan 2016/2021 addresses key challenges and provides practical solutions as agreed upon by key stakeholders on 15th March 2016 and I want to note that it is in line with Ministry of Health National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan, Uganda Vision 2014 and the Family Planning 2020 commitments.
The District Costed Implementation Plan is also in agreement with H.E President Yoweri Museveni who provided excellent leadership and made strong commitments to improve Family Planning Services during the London Summit on Family Planning in July 2012 and again at the Uganda National Family Planning Conference in July 2014.
The developed District Costed Implementation Plan is premised on the six thematic areas;
- Demand creation
- Service delivery and access
- Contraceptive security
- Financing
- Policy and enabling environment and
- Stewardship, management and accountability
The anticipated outcomes of the District CIP are but not limited to;
- Attitude change for increased uptake and utilisation of FP services
- Increased FP use from 40% to 50%
- Reduction of unmet need from 30% to less than 10%
- Reduction in fertility rate from 7.5 to 5
- Reduced un wanted pregnancies from 40% to less than 20%
- Reduced teenage pregnancy from 30% to 15%
- Reduced morbidity and mortality due to un wanted pregnancies
- Improved maternal health
- Coordinated and effective implementation of FP Services in the entire District
My humble appeal to all stakeholders in the District, development partner is to support this plan to be implemented and achieve the District Vision of “A prosperous District with sustainable high standards of living”